Decorate the garden party

Decorate the garden party - One of the greatest pleasures of having a garden (large or small) is sharing it with the people you want. Now that a season is about to end, I encourage you to fire him or inaugurates the next, with a party in your garden .
Decorate the garden party
Of course, for beautiful you are every day your garden, party and should look especially for that, nothing better than a little and take inspiration from here and there good ideas. From Style and Deco , we propose some to make your life easier.
Decorate the garden party
First think about what kind of party will be all day?? A snack? A party night? Children or elderly Iran? Be clear about these points will allow you to focus the decoration with a more accurate perspective.

In an outdoor party keys are plants and lighting , whether it is day and there may be sun, try to have areas of natural or artificial shade. You can define zones with potted line with the decor and if you pergolas or gazebos also decorate in the same style.
Decorate the garden party
Never fail to pastel shades if you want a romantic, if you prefer a white chill-out style or bright colors if you prefer a more cheerful and lively party. You can plan informal seating areas with cushions, or mismatched chairs painted in colors and follow this "look" putting plates, glasses, cups and cutlery from different sets by contrast, quite the gypsy style .
Decorate the garden party
The lighting will be key if you plan to sunset during the festival or if it is night: floating candles, lanterns, strings of lights (can be Christmas Who said that the colored lights are used only in December?) or even a classic candles with the base buried in the land of your plants. Play with the lights and shadows and make unlit areas over a decorative element.
Decorate the garden party
Between shadows, in the light of candles or daylight and you only need one thing: Let the music and the party started!

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