Original road with logs

Original road with logs - Today we bring you a unique way to your garden , or at least for the lucky that you can enjoy one of these green spaces at home. As you can see in the photo, and the title of the article, it comes to a beautiful road with logs  of different sizes.
Original road with logs
Is certainly the most rustic, apart from being very expensive, and is that in these times, all we can do with our own hands, in terms of decor relates, will be welcomed by our home .

All we need is land, tree trunks and branches of different sizes (for children), sandpaper and power saw.
Original road with logs
To begin we will have to cut one by one the trunks and branches. For that we need the chainsaw. Also, try these logs are always the same as high for our stay and uniform way.

Once cut we sanded, then walk over chips is not nice.
Original road with logs
Then the earth will throw the place in which we plan to add our unique way wood . Once we have that land extended proceed to place one by one nailing disks in that area to fill completely.

An amazing solution and fun at the same time beautiful to decorate the paths of our garden

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