Sustainable Pools Design

Sustainable Pools Design - The ultimate in swimming pools are called sustainable. These ecological pools use chlorine to purify not its waters, and that this work is already doing the plants that are incorporated into the design of the same. This type of ecological purification has several advantages. For one, you have to shuffle the benefits to our health, and we will not be in contact with any chemicals. Nor will it change the water as often, thus saving liters of water a year.
Beautiful sustainable pool
We can say that these pools are small but maintained artificial spaces as if they were authentic natural lagoons. The secret is to use certain plants and sand filters are capable of removing bacteria from water and also get to keep completely clean.
Ecological Pool
In ecological pools is necessary to have two different spaces. On the one hand we have the bathroom area. On the other, we will have the area of the plants, which are responsible for making these work daily debugging. It is also necessary to have some unevenness, as the movement of water will increase water regeneration.
Sustainable Garden with pool
In terms of design, we can not deny that such pools are truly wonderful. It will be far typical square pools or prefabricated construction. Now, these pools give us the ability to recreate natural spaces in our own garden, without having to travel to any lake to enjoy a refreshing and regenerating freshwater bath.
Ecological Pool Garden
Obviously the cost of such pools could be a little higher than the common ones. Still, if pensaos in the money we will save on water maintenance during the year, it may be a pretty good option to consider.

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