Thursday, October 31, 2013

Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants

Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants - Today I will talk about the gardens and decor. On this occasion, I will give some tips for choosing plants , especially the flowering plants , to get a well designed garden and beautiful.

Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants

And summer is coming, and we hope that with him the good weather which we have missed this spring, the gardens are full of flowers and discover if did you choose well your plants or not. If you choose your plants well , now your garden will a wonderful relaxing and balanced. If you choose the plants without following the advice below, today you will have a garden messy, chaotic and ugly.


Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants

1 } No collections plants . This is the most repeated advice from garden designers , when choosing flowering plants to get a garden beautiful and well mounted. 's a common misconception when choosing garden plants , try to cultivate in him a kind of every plant we found, and seek play in our garden, one of every flower that we love. following these desires collectors plants , the only thing you will achieve for your garden , is a combination illogical and unsightly. 2 } Select more than 3 copies of each plant and never plant a single plant of each species. This way you can achieve stylish color combinations and avoid chaos in the garden design . 3 } Create fronts defined edges and balanced in your garden . Use the plant hedge to define the spaces of your garden and cares fronts. This council will serve to afford some collection of plants , always balanced, inside the garden .

Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants

4 } Limits the use of color in your garden . Define for your garden two or three colors of flowers , and choose the plants that have these colors in their flowers for every season. 5 } Search pace in your garden through the repetition of colors at intervals. If you chose 3 colors to decorate your garden , try to form groups of repetitive colors at intervals to achieve contrast and rhythm.

Design a garden, how to choose flowering plants

6 } planes Create focal points in your garden . flowers , flowers and flowers , can be tiring to the eye. A great tip for a beautiful garden , it is getting visually flat elements that push to ease eye among many flowers , color and volume. A simple large pot of one color, or a remarkable table garden of a light color, can be great focal points flat on the garden .

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