Restore rattan furniture

Restore rattan furniture - One of the things that my parents inherited the house from the beach were the rattan furniture from my grandparents. Very popular in the nineties for indoor, outdoor now are preferred because they are stronger and lighter. These particular looked terrible and my mother was about to get rid of them, but with a little paint and new cushions were fabulous and with a modern look. If you have some old rattan furniture, not the boats! Here will give you some tips to restore rattan furniture. paint it will change not only the look, but it will provide a protective layer against the elements.
Restore rattan furniture
There are two ways to paint rattan furniture : by brush and spray. Use spray is much better, because not only saves you time but will have better finish.
Restore rattan furniture

Clean : The first thing to do before painting the furniture carefully so that dust is not trapped under the paint. Use a dry cloth, then prepares a mixture of one part white vinegar to two parts warm water. Dip a sponge in the mixture, squeeze and clean. If dusty acumlado in the cracks, use an old toothbrush to remove. Let dry thoroughly before you begin painting.
Restore rattan furniture
Repairs : Once you have cleaned and dried the furniture, check carefully whether the furniture needs repairs. For small things like loose threads can use a nail gun and strong glue. For major repairs, it is best to find a professional.
Restore rattan furniture
Paint : Choose the color of your choice. Many choose white for a lighter look, but bright colors like red or turquoise are beautiful and very modern. The type of painting is important: almost any oil-based paint is used, do not choose water based paint!. The spray paint cans are ideal, but may be more expensive. In a well ventilated area, place the furniture on old newspapers, and begins to spray evenly on the surface. Starts at the top, with horizontal movements and give two layers if necessary. Allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. Now you can decorate, adding decorative pillows in different colors.

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