Trees: Natural Elements for Renewal of Oxygen

Trees: Natural Elements for Renewal of Oxygen

Trees: Natural Elements for Renewal of Oxygen From - very young we learn to recognize what part of the world around us, one of the elements of nature that instantly recognize trees . For this reason, we all know exactly what the form of one of them no matter all varieties in each of the continents as they handled similar patterns. As a visible part we find the trunk, possessing a strong image despite its robustness thanks to being woody material, while at the top are the branches that end in a lush foliage. In contrast, in the land lie hidden under the deep roots that handle both base serve as well for the absorption of nutrient components.

Trees: Natural Elements for Renewal of Oxygen

Although this pattern does not exist any kind of tree ends up being equal, having marked differences in terms of the size, thickness, amount of foliage and other features. Furthermore notice that the trees to play a role what the environment because they are responsible for the production of oxygen renewal and preventing land erosion and temperature regulation also with regard to floor level.

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